Are Dental Crowns the Ideal Solution for Damaged Teeth?

By: Dr. Junée F. Gardy


When it comes to restoring a severely damaged tooth, many patients and dentists alike turn to dental crowns as a reliable solution. At Junée F. Gardy DDS, PA, Dr. Junée F. Gardy specializes in using dental crowns to restore functionality and enhance the aesthetics of damaged teeth in Naples, FL. A dental crown effectively covers and protects the tooth, preventing further damage while restoring its natural appearance and strength. This protective cover helps to alleviate pain and sensitivity, making daily activities like eating and drinking more comfortable.

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is essentially a cap that is designed to fit perfectly over a damaged tooth. It is one of the most recommended dental solutions for restoring a tooth's shape, size, and strength, or for improving its overall appearance. Dr. Gardy utilizes the latest technology and materials to create crowns that match the color and texture of your natural teeth, ensuring that the crown blends seamlessly with the rest of your smile. These crowns not only function like your natural teeth but also look like them, contributing to improved self-esteem.

How is a dental crown procedure performed?

The dental crown procedure typically involves two visits to Dr. Gardy's office. During the first visit, the tooth is prepared by removing any decay and shaping the remaining structure to ensure a proper fit for the crown. Impressions of the tooth are then taken and sent to a dental lab where the crown is custom-made. A temporary crown is placed to protect the tooth while the new crown is crafted. On the second visit, the new crown is adjusted as necessary and then cemented into place, fully encasing the tooth. This process is carefully monitored to ensure the highest quality and fit, minimizing the risk of future complications.

Who can benefit from a dental crown in Naples, FL?

Patients who receive a dental crown for a cracked tooth or severe decay can see significant improvements in the use and appearance of the affected tooth. Crowns provide a durable and long-lasting solution, protecting the tooth from further damage while restoring its integrity. Dr. Gardy's extensive experience ensures that each crown is crafted to withstand the rigors of daily chewing and biting, making them an ideal choice for almost anyone looking to repair a cracked or extensively decayed tooth. Additionally, crowns can help realign the dental arch and improve bite issues, contributing to better oral health.

How can I get started with my dental crown treatment?

Getting started with dental crown treatment at Junée F. Gardy DDS, PA in Naples, FL, is a simple and personalized process. By scheduling a consultation, Dr. Gardy will assess your dental needs to determine if a dental crown is the ideal solution for you, whether you're dealing with a cracked tooth or severe damage. Her knowledge in crafting and fitting dental crowns ensures tailored care that can restore the look and oral function of your smile. Contact our office today to book your consultation and take the first step toward a healthier, more stunning smile.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.